Ways you can
pledge or donate:
In Person
By Mail
Donations and pledge cards can be placed in the offering plate on Sunday or dropped off to the church office during the church's office hours.
Mailing Address:
First Presbyterian Church
220 N. Jackson Street
Albany, GA 31701
Why Should You Pledge?
We believe that all the good things we have in life, including our financial belongings, come from God (James 1:17) and we are called to be stewards—or caretakers—of the gifts God gives us. A financial pledge is a voluntary commitment to give a portion of your income back to the God who gave it to you. Locally, we rely on pledges to help us budget for the operations and missions we plan each year at First Presbyterian Church.
How Much to Pledge?
Throughout Christian history, most churches have encouraged the practice of tithing. The word “tithe” literally means “a tenth.” The Old Testament is full of scriptures calling the people of Israel to tithe to the Lord.
However, the Bible does not limit giving to a standard tenth of one’s income. In the New Testament, Jesus encourages his followers to give extravagantly, well over the typical tithe amount (Mark 12:41-44). Though Jesus also criticizes those who tithe generously but lack humility. After all, God calls us to also be faithful in doing justice and showing love (Luke 18:9–14). Finally, the Apostle Paul encourages his congregations to give generously to support the spread of the gospel, not under compulsion, but cheerfully, expecting God to meet our needs (2 Cor. 9:6-12).
Throughout Scripture, tithing 10% of your financial resources to support the spread of the gospel and mission of the church is considered the “baseline” for giving. Many give less, and many give more than that amount. Ultimately, a pledge is a voluntary commitment you make to God, who provides for your needs. We urge you to turn to prayer when deciding how much to give, providing for the ministry of the church according to your ability.
How to Pledge?
A pledge is usually a weekly, monthly, or quarterly amount that is sustainable throughout the year and given in regular increments. Pledges can greatly help the church anticipate revenue and plan the budget. You can submit a confidential pledge by completing the form below.

First Presbyterian Church